CpS 301 Intro to Database

CpS 301 Final Review

New Material (~80%)

Disaster Recovery

Know the ways to make backups of a MySQL database and the benefits/drawbacks of each approach

Given a transaction log and a sample database in an inconsistent state, be able to recover the database to a consistent state at a specific point in time

Know the procedures required to recover a MySQL database to a specific point in time

Know the two types of transaction logs utilized by MySQL, their purposes and the differences between them

Transactions and Concurrency

Know what a transaction is

Know the four properties of a transaction (ACID)

Know what a database log file contains and its role in disaster recovery

Know what the 3 classic concurrency problems are

Know the isolation levels and which concurrency problems they prevent

Know how the isolation levels are implemented using locks

Know the difference between a shared and exclusive lock

Know the typical levels of locking granularity

Know what deadlock is, what causes it and how to prevent it

Know the difference between pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control

Know how MySQL implements the isolation levels (using a combination of pessimistic and optimistic mechanisms)

Procedural SQL

Know the following terms: stored procedure, stored function, cursor

Know the difference between procedural and non-procedural languages, and be able to classify a given SQL language statement as procedural or non-procedural

Know the typical uses for each of these

Know the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these features

Know the two main techniques for creating stored queries in enterprise databases such as SQL Server (views, stored procedures); know the relative advantages of the two approaches

Be able to write a simple stored procedure that contains a SELECT that uses a parameter defined by the procedure

Data Privacy and Security

Know the US national laws we covered

Know what PCI DSS is and the requirements we discussed

Know what a database role is and the best practice for managing user permissions via roles

Know the GRANT statement and its capabilities


Know what an index is and why you would want to create one

Know what indexes are created automatically by the database

Know what an index contains

Know important statistics maintained by the database

For a given query and index, be able to predict the likelihood that a database engine would use the index, based on factors such as number of rows in the table, whether or not the index covers the query, whether columns in the query appear in the index, selectivity of the column, etc.

Know the difference between a unique and a non-unique index

Know the performance implications of indexes

Cumulative Material (~20%)

Know definitions of the following terms: primary key, candidate key, foreign key

Know what normal forms are and their role in database design

Know the syntax of the following SQL statements: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE

Know the process of database design we have discussed in class

Know the characteristics of a good primary key

Know the tools at a database designer’s disposal for enforcing data integrity (both non-procedural and procedural)

Be able to recognize a database table that violates one of the normal forms, and fix the violation. (You do not need to know the normal forms.)

Given a Entity-Relationship database diagram, be able to convert the diagram to a relational database schema

Given a poorly designed relational schema, redesign it to fix its design flaws.