Test 1 Review
The test will be a mix of multiple choice/true false/short answer/code writing.
You may bring one page of handwritten notes, front and back, which you have
personally prepared.
- Know the structure of HTTP request/response messages. Know the common response
status codes and the common request and response header attributes.
- Know the tags used to create HTML forms, and their typical attributes
- Know how the method attribute of a <form> tag in an HTML page affects the
structure of the HTTP message used in the form submission. Be able to write a
sample HTML request and response message that would result from the submission
of a given form.
- Know the common HTML character entities and URL encoding, and where they are
used in a web page and in HTTP traffic
- Know the basic JavaScript data types, operators, and statements
- Know the JavaScript JSON methods used to convert between string data in JSON
format and JavaScript data structures
- Know the similarities and differences between JavaScript objects and arrays
- Be able to translate a class in Python into JavaScript using the techniques
discussed in class
- Know how the Node.js modules are organized and what the require() function does
- Know how to read a file all at once, as well as chunks at a time with the Node.js
Stream mechanism
- Be able to write and call asynchronous functions using the various techniques discussed in class,
including appropriate error handling
- Know the different error handling techniques used with synchronous and
asynchronous functions
Web Services
- Know the types of web services we discussed
- Know what an application server is and how it differs from a web server
- Know what a web API is
- Know how a Rest API is organized and the meaning of the HTTP request methods
that are used
- Know material from the Unicode lecture, except for Python-specific info
- Know common ASCII/Unicode numbers
Not on the test
- Node.js Express framework
- Node.js Database API’s