CpS 404 Internet App Development

Test 2 Review

The test will be a mix of multiple choice/true false/short answer/code writing. You may bring one page of handwritten notes, front and back, which you have personally prepared.

Express Framework

  • Be able to sketch a basic web application using Express and Handlebars to display a form and process a form submission

Concurrency Issues

  • Know the server concurrency models we discussed
  • Synchronous / asynchronous functions
  • Are Node.js applications susceptible to race conditions?
  • Know the optimistic concurrency technique for multi-user editing records we discussed

State Management

  • Know the various state management techniques we have discussed, and how to select an appropriate technique for a given piece of state.
  • Describe how Node.js session system works
  • Know what the “back button” problem is


  • Database connection management
  • Basics of cookie operation