ANTLR parse trees consist of nodes that implement the ParseTree interface and subinterfaces:
^-- RuleNode
|-- TerminalNode
A TerminalNode represents a token.
For each nonterminal in the grammar, ANTLR generates a class named nonterminal-nameContext. The class contains methods to retrieve the children of that nonterminal.
Example: Consider TinyParser.Assign_stmtContext
You can add annotations to an ANTLR grammar to make the generated nodes more convenient to work with.
Consider the following fragment:
: ID
| integer
| '(' expr ')'
Consider adding names to the alternatives:
: ID # IdTerm
| integer # IntTerm
| '(' expr ')' # ParTerm
ANTLR will generate classes named IDTermContext, IntTermContext, and ParTermContext - one for each alternative. This will make it easier to determine which alternative was used at a given point in the parse tree.
: expr mul_op expr
The fragment above contains two expr nonterminals on the right hand side. You can access them using the generated methods:
List<ExprContext> expr()
ExprContest expr(int i)
Or, you can name them:
: e1=expr mul_op e2=expr # MulExpr
Now, you can access them using the names e1
and e2
Consider the following rule:
: ID (',' ID)*
You can make ANTLR generate a single List of ID nodes by enhancing the rule as follows:
: ids+=ID (',' ids+=ID)*
ANTLR will add an instance variable to the generated context class that makes it convenient to iterate over all of the ID tokens:
List<Token> ids;
As a compiler traverses a parse tree during semantic checking, it often must decorate the parse tree by adding information to the nodes of the tree. You can get ANTLR to add instance variables to parse tree nodes by adding the returns clause to nonterminal definitions in the grammar:
expr returns [Double foo, String bar]
: e1=expr mul_op e2=expr # MulExpr
| e1=expr add_op e2=expr # AddExpr
| term # TermExpr
The returns clause specifies attributes to be added to parse tree nodes. For example, the above causes ANTLR to generate an ExprContext class as follows:
public static class ExprContext extends ParserRuleContext {
public Double foo;
public String bar;