In this assignment, you will complete a small browser-based adventure game.
Copy the adventure folder to your computer from the class files. Look at the source code for adventure.html. Then, open it in a browser. You should be able to navigate around the adventure world by entering commands like ‘n’, ‘e’, ‘s’, ‘w’.
Using your browser’s Developer Tools, set a breakpoint in the JavaScript and step through the code, examining values.
Make the following enhancements without using any JavaScript libraries.
(15 points) Add code to the enterRoom( ) function to do the following:
The result should look like this:
(10 points) Implement the take and drop functionality.
(10 points) Hyperlink the exits, so the user can click on them to navigate, instead of having to enter a command. Hyperlink the items carried and items present, so the user can click on them to take and drop items.
Make a copy of Adventure.html named AventureVue.html. Convert the page to use the Vue framework, referring to the class examples.
(10 points) Implement the enterRoom() functionality, eliminating any uses of document.getElementById( ) in favor of model property accesses. Avoid techniques that build HTML in your JavaScript code. To set focus on the input box, read about using refs.
(5 points) Hyperlink the exits and the items, so the user can click instead of entering commands.
Use ChatGPT (or comparable AI tool) to generate either Part 1 or Part 2 of this assignment. Give ChatGPT the starting code I provided you. Save the resulting attempt as AdventureGPT.html.
Submit your Adventure*.html files to your submission repo.
Create a report following these instructions. In the Test Results section, give 3 screen shots demonstrating your program’s functionality (label the screen shots), and note any issues. If you did the bonus, report how long you worked and give a brief assessment of your experience using ChatGPT to do this work.